Description: The New Zealand Land Cover Database (LCDB) is a thematic classification of land cover. This version LCDB v3.3 contains 33 classes designed to be compatible with earlier LCDB versions. The polygon features contain a code and boundary representing the land cover type at each of three periods; summer 1996/97, summer 2001/02, and summer 2008/09. The data set was designed to be compatible in scale and accuracy with Land Information New Zealand’s 1:50,000 topographic database. LCDB is intended to be used in areas such as state of environmental monitoring, forest and shrubland inventory, biodiversity assessment, trend analysis and infrastructure planning. The list of classes used in LCDB3.3 can be found in the document LCDB2-3CorrelationTable.pdf along with the mapping from the class set used in the previous version (LCDB2). This document is available as an attachment to this dataset in the LRIS portal ( and on the LCDB project site ( was released in August 2013 and includes corrections to all time steps1997/97, 2001/02 and 2008/09. In particular, it incorporates edits arising from user feedback, a review of improvements to low producing grasslands in the South Island, updates to croplands from Kyoto Land Use mapping, and corrections to the dating of land cover change mapped in LCDB3.0. “EditAuthority” and "EditDate" attributes are maintained in this layer to indicate the source of the change for both non-temporal and temporal changes mapped.The Chatham Islands, which were available as part of LCDB-2 on a different map projection, have not yet been re-mapped as part of LCDB3.